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CDC Application

Friday, February 29, 2008

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Continue to RND if I will be able to run a CDC application on my P990i so I can implement a JNI to call my C++ native functions getting the Network Information such as Cell ID, Country Code, Mobile Subscriber etc.

How I wish this phone just supports JP-7 so I can just get the Network Information from

My first public post :-D

Thursday, February 28, 2008

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Well I will be busy today doing some JNI stuff. Thanks to the limitation on Mobile OS I wasn't able to get what I want using java API so now I am force to write my code in C++ and call it in java. Fortunately my phone which is Sony Ericsson P990i is bundled with SJP3.4 meaning it's like CDC1.0 or J2SE1.3. So I just need minimal support from C++. But still it's a pain :-).

After several hours of working.. I was able to run JNI on my machine however I still failed when I try to compile on CDC. It seems I'm getting error creating dlls. Oh well that's it for today :-).
