Basically a blog which is a mixture of anything that comes up in the author's mind. From the technologies that makes his life convenient to the everyday news in his country.

March 29, 2008. I bought a new laptop

Monday, March 31, 2008

(0) Comments

Yeah my post is quite unsynchronized since I want to post older events.
Yeah your right the previous post was a lie :)) I forgot I got my laptop saturday then we went home together with her at our home she was shy but everything went right :-) Guess what happened :-) I can't put any more details :-)

March 28 Friday. Festival bought Laptop

Monday, March 31, 2008

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I was at the festival mall this day and bought a new laptop unit. It's quite cheap that's why I like it. The model is compaq presario c337tu it's not that high end though (an upgrade of this
1GB Ram
256 Video Card (Intel GMA)
1.86GHz Intel Celeron
and many more :-)

Unfortunately, it's Vista and of course I scrapped the crap:
Drivers I've got from here:

and here:

Thanks to them I can used my laptop well...

And oh I've used Windows Home Edition OEM with SP2 integrated else the SATA drive will not be installed. Don't want to install the SATA drive (XP press F6).

But if you manually want to install I found this similar problem:


SATA driver

A single line of code can make the difference

Monday, March 31, 2008

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I'm still on developing a java cdc application that will be integrated to JNI to call some native functions responsible in getting network informations. Developing this application I've used 2 eclipse plugin just to test if it is possible. BTW I know it is since I'm testing on SEP990i which is a CDC enabled phone.

0.) Carbide1.2 for the DLL
1.) eclipse java-me with ericsson's cdc plugin
2.) IMS SDS4.0 from ericssom

Using Plugin1 I was successful in my objective. I got all the network information but before that see the code before this... I was busy debugging not my application but the plugin itself. Oh boy..

Using Plugin2 I'm 100% sure that my code works so here I am debugging again not my code but the plugin and luckily I got again this line:

rem if "%CAPS%" == "" set CAPS=NONE

I have a haunch that something is wrong here. And yes without failed the plugin continues to surprise me it's what we called a bug a bug that took my precious days away :((.

Well, I've just replace this line with
rem if "%CAPS%" == ""
set CAPS=ReadDeviceData+Location

Just comment the if, it's the source of evil within this plugin hahaha.

At last full scale development up ahead with my project.

BTW it's a location centric application that get's the cell id of the mobile user's, etc,etc.

See just one line of code can make your programming miserable and what's more it's not your code :)).

CDC, JNI, Network Information

Thursday, March 27, 2008

(0) Comments

After all these days finally I was able to obtain network information from a java CDC app using ericsson's eclipse plugin via JNI.
What went wrong was I keep on inspecting my code while the sad thing is my java CDC app needs a Location and ReadDeviceData capability but you couldn't blame me I've tried adding caps=Location+ReadDeviceData to the file and it didn't work out. Fortunately, a guy named Alain Bergevin told me that me error which was -46 (KErrPermissionDenied) means "... it was caused by calling an API while does not have the required capability. eg. for CTelephony::GetSubscriberId , it need ReadDeviceData capability. Pls check whether the capability is specified in MMP file and the developer certificate with such capability is needed when sign the sis." which forced me to scrutinized the cdc eclipse plugin... and so I've found this file:


from this file I've changed this line:
if "%CAPS%" == "" set CAPS=NONE -> if "%CAPS%" == "" set CAPS=ReadDeviceData+Location

and that's it my project started working properly.

Oh boy it took me some time to get here :-D


Thursday, March 27, 2008

(0) Comments

P990i, JNI, Network Info(Cell ID, Location Area Code), ete3rdparty.lib

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

(0) Comments

It seems it's impossible to get the network information such as Cell ID, LAC in java CDC using JNI it's because JNI doesn't implement Thread and even though I've created a CActiveScheduler object still all I can get from the lib is the IMEI information. I'm sure my code is working perfectly since it runs and return the network informations accurately in a Console Application. Now I have to resort to a Client/Server application just to get the network informations.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

(0) Comments

What Edward Means

You are friendly, charming, and warm. You get along with almost everyone.

You work hard not to rock the boat. Your easy going attitude brings people together.

At times, you can be a little flaky and irresponsible. But for the important things, you pull it together.

You are balanced, orderly, and organized. You like your ducks in a row.

You are powerful and competent, especially in the workplace.

People can see you as stubborn and headstrong. You definitely have a dominant personality.

You are very charming... dangerously so. You have the potential to break a lot of hearts.

You know how what you want, how to get it, and that you will get it.

You have the power to rule the world. Let's hope you're a benevolent dictator!

You are usually the best at everything ... you strive for perfection.

You are confident, authoritative, and aggressive.

You have the classic "Type A" personality.

You are wild, crazy, and a huge rebel. You're always up to something.

You have a ton of energy, and most people can't handle you. You're very intense.

You definitely are a handful, and you're likely to get in trouble. But your kind of trouble is a lot of fun.

Long Weekend (Holyweek)

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

(0) Comments

It's been a while since I have almost 4 1/2 days of vacation and what I've done nothing special. Just spent the first day doing private business went back and forth from apt to my home to attend "Banal na Hapunan" and last Saturday I was able to attend at Carmona Locale.

During friday we plan to go somewhere called cause it's very hot that day so we decided to have some cold air in malls but unfortunately all were close went to Pavillion (Binan, Lagua); Walter (Carmona) but closed so we decided to buy some sphagetti stuffs from the ever reliable 7 eleven convenient store and just return home and then cooked and it taste so good.

Last Saturday we went to Festival Mall Alabang, shopping and enjoying ourselves (Gala Mode).
Sunday we've done nothing special :D.

Still I keep on asking myself, do those people really believe that God simply dies and live again in this season of the year? So what if Armageddon comes that day then there will be no God to save us? Or they simply follow the norms even though they understand nothing at all. Sorry :D. Simply it's just so hard to believe that God dies.

"CDC JNI P990i UIQ3"

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

(1) Comments

My CDC JNI Codes:
#{"eplDll DLL"},(0xAFFFFFFE),1,0,0
;Localised Vendor name
;Unique Vendor name
"$(EPOCROOT)Epoc32\release\$(PLATFORM)\$(TARGET)\eplDll.dll" -"!:\sys\bin\eplDll.dll"


//definition file
jni_lookup @ 1 NONAME

//mmp file
TARGET eplDll.dll
UID 0x00000000 0xAFFFFFFE
SYSTEMINCLUDE \epoc32\include \epoc32\include\libc \Symbian\UIQ3SDK\Extensions\Sony_Ericsson_CDC_Platform_1\epoc32\include
SOURCE eplDll.cpp
SOURCE eplDllDllMain.cpp LocationInfoNative.cpp lookup.cpp
LIBRARY euser.lib estlib.lib Etel3rdParty.lib
CAPABILITY LocalServices Location NetworkServices ReadDeviceData ReadUserData UserEnvironment WriteDeviceData WriteUserData
//JNI related
DEFFILE .\ eplDll.def
#if defined(WINS)

//java native
public static native String getIMEI();
public static native String getIMSI();
public static native String getAreaCode();
public static native String getOperatorName();
public static native String getCellID();
public static native String getCountryCode();
public static native String getNetworkID();


Monday, March 17, 2008

(0) Comments

After quite some time 3 days perhaps I was able to run my JNI application on P990i device. I will post the code next time :D. I will go home to cook for dinner tonight probably plenty dishes hahaha.... Sleepless nights are now gone... A new tomorrow is waiting. That sure was corny... :-)


Monday, March 17, 2008

(0) Comments

I was successful in running my JNI application in UIQ3 emulator however it failed when I deployed on my P990i device I wonder what's causing the problem. Again I might stay late but I will not go overtime I'm still tired :D. I wonder if anyone out there has succeeded in doing this kind of thing :D. Oh well the problem is there is less or almost no example or even a clear documentation at all, which makes it harder :D.

BTW I came from province this morning which is Laguna and the South Expressway from Calamba to Alabang is as always traffic hahahaha oh boy I wonder how much longer will I endure this environment :D. DPWH just keep on digging :D.


Friday, March 14, 2008

(0) Comments

Oh my I have an appointment today but here I am going overtime :-). It's because next week would be the pilot testing of our J2ME project for Wyeth standby for updates, while doing that I'm still researching on how I will run CDC JNI on my SE P990i device cause I'm having a hard time making it run while it perfectly run on my UIQ3 emulator... And tomorrow I will be on standby oh my my schedule just got worse this week :-) but I hope everything get wrap up.

My JNI error is the same as described here:
JNI working in emulator, crashes on phone with KERN-EXEC 3, it's amazing how I got here :-).


Friday, March 14, 2008

(0) Comments

Finally I was able to run my JNI sample on UIQ3 emulator thanks to this link report) steps)

class HelloWorld {
private native String print();
public static void main(String[] args) {
public String getString() {
return print();
static {
//native implementation
#include "HelloWorld.h"
Java_HelloWorld_print(JNIEnv *env, jobject obj) {
char *s;
s = "alf";
return (env)->NewStringUTF(s);
#include // Needed for strcmp

#include "HelloWorld.h"

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

typedef void (*TFunc)();

typedef struct
char *token;
unsigned int procaddr;

// lookup_table MUST be defined as 'const' or this file will cause a build error
// when comipling for the ARMI target
const TABLE_ENTRY lookup_table[]=
{ "Java_HelloWorld_print", (unsigned int) Java_HelloWorld_print },

// table_size MUST be defined as 'const' or this file will cause a build error
// when comipling for the ARMI target
const int table_size = sizeof(lookup_table) / sizeof(TABLE_ENTRY);

IMPORT_C TFunc jni_lookup(const char* aName);
EXPORT_C TFunc jni_lookup(const char* aName)
int res=0;
int mid=0;
int top=0;
int bottom=table_size-1;

// Loop while the number of the items left in the list is greater
// than 2. Each iteration will split the number of items left to search
// in half
while ((bottom - top) > 1) {
// This case handles the normal serach case where the number of
// items left to search is greater than 2
if (res==0) return((TFunc) lookup_table[mid].procaddr);
if (res>0) top=mid; else bottom=mid;

// If there are two items left in the list then the bottom item should be
// checked for a match
if (bottom != top) {
// Check the bottom item to see if it is a match
if (res == 0) return ((TFunc) lookup_table[bottom].procaddr);

// Check the top item to see if it is a match

if (res == 0) return ((TFunc) lookup_table[top].procaddr);

// Neither the top or bottom items were a match so the
// method must not exist in the file
return NULL;

#ifdef __cplusplus
gcce winscw


//definition file
jni_lookup @ 1 NONAME
TARGET Prompt.dll
UID 0x00000000 0x0A762D89

SYSTEMINCLUDE \epoc32\include \epoc32\include\libc


SOURCE Prompt.cpp
SOURCE PromptDllMain.cpp HelloWorld.cpp lookup.cpp

//By default, the build tools look for the WINSCW def file in a BWINS directory
//(at the same level as the directory containing the mmp file),
//the GCC ARM def file in a BMARM directory, and the ARMV5 def file in a EABI directory.
//If def files are stored in these locations, the project files does not need to specify
//the location of the def files explicitly. If you want to store the def files in some other
//location, you will need to specify in the project file where the .def files are using
//the deffile keyword.

//The following commented out code shows how the build system uses the implicit
// location for defiles. To create the DEF files Choose Project > Freeze Exports from Carbide
// or run 'abld freeze' from the command-line
//#if defined (WINS)
// DEFFILE ..\bwins\Prompt.def
//#elif defined (GCC32)
// DEFFILE ..\bmarm\Prompt.def
// DEFFILE ..\eabi\Prompt.def


LIBRARY euser.lib estlib.lib

DEFFILE .\ exports.def
#if defined(WINS)
#{"Prompt DLL"},(0x0A762D89),1,0,0

;Localised Vendor name

;Unique Vendor name

"$(EPOCROOT)Epoc32\release\$(PLATFORM)\$(TARGET)\Prompt.dll" -"!:\system\libs\Prompt.dll"

Taken from the site above:
It’s important that you use the CDC Java VM’s versions of these files,
that are distributed with the CDC Java SDK.extension.

1) Run "javah" on all your class-files with natives.

2) Run the "symexports.exe"-tool in a DOS-window.
This tool takes as input arguments all the javah-header
files and an output-file name and creates a .c-file which
has the dll lookup function.
note: symexports is bundled in the UIQ3 SDK

Using the sample-files from the zip-file, the syntax would be as follows:

symexports -h:file1.h -h:file2.h -out:lookup.c

This creates the lookup.c file.

3) The lookup.c file needs to be included as a source-file
with all your other native source-files in your *.mmp-file
that you use to build the Symbian dll. The line below shows this:
SOURCE lookup.c

4) You need to include the jni.h file in all source-files
with JNI natives. The jni.h includes the jniport.h file
which is also required.

5) You also need a def-file, e.g. exports.def.
Put it in your build directory.
It needs to have the following content:

jni_lookup @ 1 NONAME

6) The .mmp file needs to have the following lines added to it:

DEFFILE .\ exports.def


#if defined(WINS)



Tuesday, March 11, 2008

(0) Comments

Here I am again working overtime... Oh well m J2ME application works fine in the emulator but failed on the device.. What it does is it posts n number of datas to the server, however it always fail...
public void run() {
for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) {


Monday, March 10, 2008

(0) Comments

For the third straight office day.... I'm working overtime... :D

J2ME Alert->Alert, Form->Alert

Monday, March 10, 2008

(0) Comments

Well, well after almost 20 minutes of debugging I found out that you cannot make something like this form->alert->function->alert what a painful bug it is... My solution was simply creating a new Form so it becomes form->alert->function->form-> and fortunately it works catching the bugs :D.


Monday, March 10, 2008

(0) Comments

public void writeStringArray(String file, String[] strArr) throws Exception {
RecordStore rs = RecordStore.openRecordStore(file, true, RecordStore.AUTHMODE_PRIVATE, false);
ByteArrayOutputStream bos = null;
DataOutputStream dos = null;
for(int i = 0; i < strArr.length; i++) {
bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
dos = new DataOutputStream(bos);
byte[] b = bos.toByteArray();
rs.addRecord(b, 0, b.length);


public boolean deleteRecords(String file, String strKeys[], boolean createFile) throws Exception {
RecordStore rs = RecordStore.openRecordStore(file, createFile, RecordStore.AUTHMODE_PRIVATE, createFile);

if(rs.getNumRecords() > 0) {
RecordEnumeration re = rs.enumerateRecords(null, null, true);
ByteArrayInputStream bis = null;
DataInputStream dis = null;
for(int i = 0; i < strKeys.length; i++) {
while(re.hasNextElement()) {
int id = re.nextRecordId();
bis = new ByteArrayInputStream(rs.getRecord(id));
dis = new DataInputStream(bis);
bis = new ByteArrayInputStream(rs.getRecord(id));
dis = new DataInputStream(bis);
String strRecord = dis.readUTF();
if(strRecord.equals(strKeys[i])) {

return true;

public String[] getStringArray(String file, boolean createFile) throws Exception {
RecordStore rs = RecordStore.openRecordStore(file, createFile, RecordStore.AUTHMODE_PRIVATE, createFile);
String strArr[] = null;
int ctr = 0;

if(rs.getNumRecords() > 0) {
RecordEnumeration re = rs.enumerateRecords(null, this, true);

strArr = new String[re.numRecords()];
ByteArrayInputStream bis = null;
DataInputStream dis = null;
while(re.hasNextElement()) {
int id = re.nextRecordId();
bis = new ByteArrayInputStream(rs.getRecord(id));
dis = new DataInputStream(bis);
bis = new ByteArrayInputStream(rs.getRecord(id));
dis = new DataInputStream(bis);
strArr[ctr++] = dis.readUTF();

return strArr;

J2ME RMS, HttpConnection

Monday, March 10, 2008

(0) Comments

Last week we finished a big part of our J2ME project which is a commercial application that will cater Malls for their mobile inventory of items using low end phones. We are successful in integrating my Mobile client with the host server. What we did was post data from mobile to host, however this morning I found a strange problem my alert that will tell me if my post works fine did not alert! So I was busy debugging many of my codes try implementing several threads unluckily I was unable to solve the problem. Well this lunch I've noticed a little line space and I was so sure that it was a newline fortunately it was just a host misq for there was a newline inserted in my expected response unfortunately it took my 2 hours :D. Part of the codes:
Thread deadLock = new Thread(new Runnable() {
String strReply = "";
public void run() {
WaitCanvas cWait = new WaitCanvas();
HttpConnection c = null;
InputStream is = null;
try {
int rc;
c = (HttpConnection) + strParams);
c.setRequestProperty("If-Modified-Since", "29 Oct 1999 19:43:31 GMT");
c.setRequestProperty("User-Agent", "Profile/MIDP-2.0 Configuration/CLDC-1.0");
c.setRequestProperty("Content-Language", "en-US");
rc = c.getResponseCode();
if (rc != HttpConnection.HTTP_OK) {
Alert a = new Alert("Error", "Connection to host failed.", null, AlertType.ERROR);
a.setCommandListener(new MyCommandListener());
is = c.openInputStream();
int len = (int)c.getLength();
if (len > 0) {
int actual = 0;
int bytesread = 0 ;
byte[] data = new byte[len];
while ((bytesread != len) && (actual != -1)) {
actual =, bytesread, len - bytesread);
bytesread += actual;
strReply = new String(data);
} catch(Exception e) {
//do something here
} finally {
try {
if (is != null)
if (c != null)
} catch(Exception e) { }
if(strReply.equals("1")) {
//do something here
} else if(strReply.equals("0")){
//do something here
} else if(strReply.equals("2")){
//do something here

Project ot the day...

Friday, March 07, 2008

(0) Comments

Today is the deadline for one of my project which is a mobile tool for Wyeth Philippines well we manage to wrap everthing up cosidering that we've stayed to late last night.

Anyway there was something today. I was supposed to leave this country for Japan last December but I backout hoping there are something more that this poor country can offer me something valuable than money and so I thought it might be worth it so why not give it a try then, but this morning although it's not really somebody's fault when that thing said that she is leaving with a happy tone I felt something just hit that part inside me. Well I've always ask that thing to go with me together abroad but with a lonesome thing she always replied that she's not prepared and now she might actually leave by herself leaving me alone.... And so I said to myself whatever I'll drive again alone... Yes there's always happiness in being alone...


GLOBE IMS, ctelephony, etel3rdparty, j2me, travel portal :D

Thursday, March 06, 2008

(0) Comments

Our company recently join the GLOBE IMS Challenge which focuses on using IMS technology on mobile. Many things are possible using Ericsson's SDS4 SDK such as the connectivity between different devices from mobile to TV to PS2 it's really amazing. Unfortunately this technology is new in it's nature limiting the developer like me to what we can develop. Its ericsson's  so target mobile are also ericsson's and we are advised to use P990i, P1 etc. SJP3.4 I think which doesn't have Location API such as JP7.

Now, the main module of our project will use Location API so I was force to use C++ for Symbian Programming using the ctelephony class from etel3rdparty.lib. I was successful in making getting the Location data in Symbian such as Cell ID, Location Area Code, etc. However, my main problem right now is how will I compile the DLL in such a way that I can call it in a java code using JNI which, luckily is supported by most P990i phones. I've tried JNI in windows however, I'm not sure about it's compilation in mobile.

Well, for me to not forget my code here it is :D

#include // For CActive, link against: euser.lib
#include // For RTimer, link against: euser.lib


class CSystemManager : public CActive
typedef enum {EHandsetIMEI, EHandsetIMSI, EHandsetNetworkInfo } InfoType;
// Cancel and destroy

// Two-phased constructor.
static CSystemManager* NewL();

// Two-phased constructor.
static CSystemManager* NewLC();

public: // New functions
// Function for making the initial request
void StartL();
TDesC& GetIMEI();
TDesC& GetIMSI();
TUint GetLocationAreaCode();
TUint GetCellID();
TDesC& GetOperatorName();
TDesC& GetCountryCode();
TDesC& GetNetworkID();
// C++ constructor
// Second-phase constructor
void ConstructL();
private: // From CActive
// Handle completion
void RunL();
// How to cancel me
void DoCancel();
// Override to handle leaves from RunL(). Default implementation causes
// the active scheduler to panic.
TInt RunError( TInt aError );

enum TSystemManagerState
EUninitialized, // Uninitialized
EInitialized, // Initalized
EError // Error condition
enum TGetInfoState
       EStart = 1,
TInt iState; // State of the active object
RTimer iTimer; // Provides async timing service

InfoType iPhoneInfoType;
CTelephony* iTelephony;
CTelephony::TPhoneIdV1 iPhoneIdV1;
    CTelephony::TPhoneIdV1Pckg iPhoneIdV1Pckg;
    CTelephony::TSubscriberIdV1 iSubscriberIdV1;
    CTelephony::TSubscriberIdV1Pckg iSubscriberIdV1Pckg;
    CTelephony::TNetworkInfoV1 iNetworkInfoV1;
    CTelephony::TNetworkInfoV1Pckg iNetworkInfoV1Pckg;
    CActiveSchedulerWait iActiveSchedulerWait;
    TBuf iIMEI;
    TBuf iModelNumber;
    TBuf iIMSI;        
    TUint iLocationAreaCode;
    TUint iCellId;
    TBuf<16> iOperatorName;
    TBuf<4> iCountryCode;
    TBuf<8> iNetworkId;



#include "SystemManager.h"

CSystemManager::CSystemManager () : CActive(EPriorityStandard), iPhoneInfoType(EHandsetIMEI),
iNetworkInfoV1Pckg(iNetworkInfoV1) { }

CSystemManager* CSystemManager::NewLC()
CSystemManager* self = new ( ELeave ) CSystemManager();
CleanupStack::PushL( self );
return self;

CSystemManager* CSystemManager::NewL()
CSystemManager* self = CSystemManager::NewLC();
CleanupStack::Pop(); // self;
return self;

void CSystemManager::ConstructL()
User::LeaveIfError( iTimer.CreateLocal() ); // Initialize timer
CActiveScheduler::Add( this ); // Add to scheduler
iTelephony = CTelephony::NewL();

Cancel(); // Cancel any request, if outstanding
delete iTelephony;
iTimer.Close(); // Destroy the RTimer object
// Delete instance variables if any

void CSystemManager::DoCancel()
case EHandsetIMEI: 
case EHandsetIMSI:

void CSystemManager::StartL()
Cancel(); // Cancel any request, just to be sure
//iState = EUninitialized;
//iTimer.After( iStatus, aDelay ); // Set for later
iState = EGetPhoneInfo;
case EHandsetIMEI:
iTelephony->GetPhoneId(iStatus, iPhoneIdV1Pckg);
case EHandsetIMSI:
iTelephony->GetSubscriberId(iStatus, iSubscriberIdV1Pckg);

case EHandsetNetworkInfo:
iTelephony->GetCurrentNetworkInfo(iStatus, iNetworkInfoV1Pckg);

void CSystemManager::RunL()
iState = EDone;
if ( iActiveSchedulerWait.IsStarted() )
if(iStatus == KErrNone)
case EHandsetIMEI:
iIMEI = iPhoneIdV1.iSerialNumber;
case EHandsetIMSI:
iIMSI = iSubscriberIdV1.iSubscriberId;
case EHandsetNetworkInfo:
iLocationAreaCode = iNetworkInfoV1.iLocationAreaCode;
iCellId = iNetworkInfoV1.iCellId;
iOperatorName = iNetworkInfoV1.iLongName;
iCountryCode = iNetworkInfoV1.iCountryCode;
iNetworkId = iNetworkInfoV1.iNetworkId;
// Do nothing

TDesC& CSystemManager::GetIMEI()
iPhoneInfoType = EHandsetIMEI;

return iIMEI;

TDesC& CSystemManager::GetIMSI()
iPhoneInfoType = EHandsetIMSI;

return iIMSI;

TUint CSystemManager::GetLocationAreaCode() {
iPhoneInfoType = EHandsetNetworkInfo;
iLocationAreaCode = 0;
return iLocationAreaCode;

TUint CSystemManager::GetCellID() {
iPhoneInfoType = EHandsetNetworkInfo;
iCellId = 0;
return iCellId;

TDesC& CSystemManager::GetOperatorName()
iPhoneInfoType = EHandsetNetworkInfo;

return iOperatorName;

TDesC& CSystemManager::GetCountryCode()
iPhoneInfoType = EHandsetNetworkInfo;

return iCountryCode;

TDesC& CSystemManager::GetNetworkID()
iPhoneInfoType = EHandsetNetworkInfo;

return iNetworkId;

TInt CSystemManager::RunError( TInt aError )
return aError;

Actually parts of the code are from sonyericsson and developer.symbian and the uiq 3 documentation the .chm file. I've just paste them together :-).

Currently, I am doing 2 other major projects in short I am really busy and I haven't touch this project for days. For record the other 2 are: 
1.) a Travel web Portal wherein you can book your flights online (search for flights and it's info - how much, when, etc.)
.) J2ME project that will cater the department stores, items' inventory will now be inventoried though mobile using GPRS so a not so very high model phone is required.:D

See I was quite versatile and now I'm writing this 'coz my head is about to explode buwahahaha....
