Basically a blog which is a mixture of anything that comes up in the author's mind. From the technologies that makes his life convenient to the everyday news in his country.

Ajax Seminar

Friday, September 12, 2008

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It's not that I've attended another training or seminar, but this time I was the resource person :-). Since last night I've stay late at night (thanks to the bowling tournament - I've enjoyed though... I've always knocked all the targets except that 1 stubborn piece of craft that keeps on making my score... the usual, the average 9... so unfortunate I've only got 2 strikes)... Oh and 'bout my seminar most of the stuffs I've got here:

Basically, I've divided my lectures into 2 dotnet ajax and non dotnet techs... Why because in dotnet we have two used existing ajax libraries else make your own while on the other hand we just have to implement from XMLHttpRequest object.

1.) Non-dotnet ajax
1.a) Basically I've introduced 2 ajax libs here 1 is anthem which I think was last updated 2007, and the latest ajaxcontroltoolkit that supports dotnet framework > 3.
Anthem can be downloaded here: plus there are available documentations and a lot of simple examples that are easy to digest.
1.b)As for ajaxcontroltoolkit ( it's much difficult to implement...
Comparing the two anthem contains it's own controls which are using ajax technology for example it has it's own button object, the problem here is that we only have a limited control at our disposal plus anthem and non anthem controls cannot be used together. For example non anthem button cannot be integrated with a anthem datagrid. While on the other hand ajaxcontroltoolkit produced container for non ajax object like updatepanel where we can place our checkbox, button, label, etc object and add appenders we want to use. For example using ToggleButtonAppender, where clicking on one of the checkbox produces certain action... See the example yourself...

Well I've enjoyed playing with ajax using php since I have more freedom, doing things on my own, having my own implementation. All you have to do is have a grasp of the technologies in use such as DOM, javascript, xml, and the XMLHttpRequest object - basically that's ajax. For this I'm using another open source library prototype.js which is available here:

Nokia Seminar (August 26-27)

Friday, September 12, 2008

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A 2 day event that discussed topics from application development and deployment on the phone (how to symbiansigned the application), and technologies like widgets where UI can be build easily. The problem with widgets is that it's only supported on higher end phones like N95.

LBS technology was discussed and it offers a lot of possible business in the market, the problem is JSR179 is not supported on most of the phones in the market plus if the said JSR is implemented in the Philippines we have none or a few company that supply mapping of a certain place base on GPS. On the other hand cell id fails on JSR179.

Currently, the effective way of mapping location as I see it is by using cell id using etel3rdparty lib available only for symbian OS phones, I think version 8-9, am I right? For other versions etel lib can be used.

Since I've been developing in symbian from time to time most of the topics are already familiar for me :-D.

Oh my... I remember, I've reimbursed our transpo expenses and up until now I haven't received the cash :-(... How long has it been? A month? Oh well I'll just assumed that it's worth my penny and time :-)...

Sun Tech Days (June 18-19)

Friday, September 12, 2008

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Last June 18-19 I've attended an exposition of the newest java technology available @Makati Shangrila. It was an interesting event and it featured interesting technologies to play with such as:
1.) JavaFX which resembles macromedia flash (it's cool)
2.) JSF (Java Server Faces), which simplifies the building of UI interface for java
3.) The Solaris OS
3.) Mobile with LBS (hope more place will be properly and accurately map out
4.) Nokia Gurus talks

Well overall it was enjoyable event and I've tried to take home as much information as I could. Although there were problems like the rooms are crowded plus there were so many participants which I think were just forced to attend the event. Why because they just look after the foods :-), just keep on talking on talking and eating and eating... Wow... I've noticed this from several school participants...
