Hail, UP Oblation! Centennial Photo Shoot
If I remember right it was last last week when an old friend of mine invite to me to become one of the test subject in this experiment :-) he didn't provide any details aside from the fact that the event is sponsored by time magazine. I though it was workdays and I'm thinking of an excuse in using my VL so upon hearing the invitation I replied yes, hoping to meet the old gang :-)... And then I heard nothing from him again... Then last friday 2008.12.12 I've received a text and a call, asking if I'll be available today which is Saturday for the photo shoot... yes I wanted to go but I was surprised to hear that it will be held in Diliman and rendevouz time is 4:30am... I was shocked :-), specially when I realized that it's not just an ordinary photo shoot... as the title states UP Oblation... yes you'r right we are to wear nothing bwahahahaha... I was really glad I didn't take the chance to post in their even though ahem I have the body... (just agree with it) :-) or else somebody might get mad and cut the oblation THING out of me... hahahaha... anyway I hope you guys enjoy :-)....
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