Nokia Seminar (August 26-27)

Basically a blog which is a mixture of anything that comes up in the author's mind. From the technologies that makes his life convenient to the everyday news in his country.

Nokia Seminar (August 26-27)

Friday, September 12, 2008

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A 2 day event that discussed topics from application development and deployment on the phone (how to symbiansigned the application), and technologies like widgets where UI can be build easily. The problem with widgets is that it's only supported on higher end phones like N95.

LBS technology was discussed and it offers a lot of possible business in the market, the problem is JSR179 is not supported on most of the phones in the market plus if the said JSR is implemented in the Philippines we have none or a few company that supply mapping of a certain place base on GPS. On the other hand cell id fails on JSR179.

Currently, the effective way of mapping location as I see it is by using cell id using etel3rdparty lib available only for symbian OS phones, I think version 8-9, am I right? For other versions etel lib can be used.

Since I've been developing in symbian from time to time most of the topics are already familiar for me :-D.

Oh my... I remember, I've reimbursed our transpo expenses and up until now I haven't received the cash :-(... How long has it been? A month? Oh well I'll just assumed that it's worth my penny and time :-)...

1 Response to "Nokia Seminar (August 26-27)"

June 21, 2011 at 5:29 AM
Instead of criticism advise the problem decision.

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