Sun Tech Days (June 18-19)

Basically a blog which is a mixture of anything that comes up in the author's mind. From the technologies that makes his life convenient to the everyday news in his country.

Sun Tech Days (June 18-19)

Friday, September 12, 2008

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Last June 18-19 I've attended an exposition of the newest java technology available @Makati Shangrila. It was an interesting event and it featured interesting technologies to play with such as:
1.) JavaFX which resembles macromedia flash (it's cool)
2.) JSF (Java Server Faces), which simplifies the building of UI interface for java
3.) The Solaris OS
3.) Mobile with LBS (hope more place will be properly and accurately map out
4.) Nokia Gurus talks

Well overall it was enjoyable event and I've tried to take home as much information as I could. Although there were problems like the rooms are crowded plus there were so many participants which I think were just forced to attend the event. Why because they just look after the foods :-), just keep on talking on talking and eating and eating... Wow... I've noticed this from several school participants...

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