Hail, UP Oblation! Centennial Photo Shoot

Basically a blog which is a mixture of anything that comes up in the author's mind. From the technologies that makes his life convenient to the everyday news in his country.

Hail, UP Oblation! Centennial Photo Shoot

Saturday, December 13, 2008

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If I remember right it was last last week when an old friend of mine invite to me to become one of the test subject in this experiment :-) he didn't provide any details aside from the fact that the event is sponsored by time magazine. I though it was workdays and I'm thinking of an excuse in using my VL so upon hearing the invitation I replied yes, hoping to meet the old gang :-)... And then I heard nothing from him again... Then last friday 2008.12.12 I've received a text and a call, asking if I'll be available today which is Saturday for the photo shoot... yes I wanted to go but I was surprised to hear that it will be held in Diliman and rendevouz time is 4:30am... I was shocked :-), specially when I realized that it's not just an ordinary photo shoot... as the title states UP Oblation... yes you'r right we are to wear nothing bwahahahaha... I was really glad I didn't take the chance to post in their even though ahem I have the body... (just agree with it) :-) or else somebody might get mad and cut the oblation THING out of me... hahahaha... anyway I hope you guys enjoy :-)....

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